Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

52. Batman’s Power Plant

Also Appears In: Alien
Estimated Savings: $100,000-$200,000*

Batman fans remember the power plant from the Tim Burton film, Batman. Burton took the power plant set to create the scene of Axis Chemicals, the plant into which the Joker falls when he’s turned into an evil clown. However, the 1989 film was not the first place that movie fans saw the chemical plant.

Batman's Power Plant ©imgur.com

Batman’s Power Plant ©imgur.com

Before it was Axis Chemicals, the set was featured in Alien’s sequel. James Cameron wanted to create the perfect alien nest. He looked extensively for the right location before settling on this West London building. He stripped and repainted it to turn it into an alien hive. A few years later, Tim Burton took the still-intact plant location and reused it.