Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

56. The Egyptian’s Throne Room

Also Appears In: The Ten Commandments
Estimated Savings: $50,000-$100,000*

The Egyptian and The Ten Commandments used a lot of the same décor, including the interior of the throne room. The Pharaoh’s throne room in The Egyptian was sold to Cecil B. De Mille while he was making The Ten Commandments. The sale helped De Mille save money on filming, but the director was famously not one to shy away when it came to spending on sets.

The Egyptian's Throne Room @Nekhbet Anubis / Youtube.com | @lvsmunsters / Pinterest.com

The Egyptian’s Throne Room @Nekhbet Anubis / Youtube.com | @lvsmunsters / Pinterest.com

He had the throne room tweaked so that it wouldn’t be known that he was using a hand-me-down set. The overall vibe of the throne room remained the same, and sharp-eyed moviegoers could still spot quite a few similarities between the sets in the two movies.