Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

58. The Matrix’s Staircase

Also Appears In: Dark City
Estimated Savings: $1,000-$2,000*

There are a lot of similarities between Dark City, an Australian movie, and The Matrix, a blockbuster film franchise in the U.S. The Matrix used a lot of the sets from Dark City, a thriller about a man who discovers an underworld controlled by The Strangers, a group of frightening beings.

The Matrix's Staircase ©Fractalazz / Imgur.com

The Matrix’s Staircase ©Fractalazz / Imgur.com

The staircase used in The Matrix, for example, was seen in Dark City, along with some shared exteriors of buildings. The sets aren’t the only similarities, as the two movies, according to Fandom.com, share parallel themes of “reality,” “love,” and “identity.” While Dark City might have not gotten a sequel, The Matrix has had several.