Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

62. Dracula’s Castle

Also Appears In: Hammer Horror films
Estimated Savings: $100,000-$500,000*

Bran Castle, as seen in Dracula, is an infamously spooky abode. What’s interesting is that Bram Stoker, the author of the book on which Dracula movies and shows are based, actually had no idea that Bran Castle existed. Bran Castle is only linked with vampires outside of Transylvania. In Brasov, people are mostly grateful for the tourist revenue, as the castle brings in a lot of visitors to the small village every year.

Dracula's Castle @7704088456r / Pinterest.com

Dracula’s Castle @7704088456r / Pinterest.com

Hammer Horror, which has produced Let Me In, The Devil Rides Out, The Curse of Frankenstein, The Vampire Lovers, and many more scary movies has used Bran Castle as a set quite a few times. No doubt, the movie company had to obtain special permission from the Brasov government to film at Bran.