Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

73. Oceanic Airways

Also Appears In: Nowhere to Land, Diagnosis Murder, Code 11-14, Lost
Estimated Savings: N/A (Just a Name)

Airlines, for obvious reasons, are reluctant to lend their names or likenesses to any movies that involve hijacking or air disasters, and they are also not afraid to sue if someone tries to use them anyway. Fictional airlines are often used for movies involving disasters and hijackers.

Oceanic Airways ©aerotelegraph.com | @DenofGeekdotcom / Pinterest.com

Oceanic Airways ©aerotelegraph.com | @DenofGeekdotcom / Pinterest.com

Oceanic Airways is a fictional airline that has been through a lot. It was created for the 1996 Kurt Russell thriller Executive Decision, and it was reused for movies like Nowhere to Land, Diagnosis Murder, Code 11-14, Lost, and other TV productions. If it was a real company, it would no doubt hold the world record for being the most disaster prone airline in existence.