Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

7. Ghostbusters P.K.E Meter

Also Appears In: They Live (1989)
Estimated Savings: $100*

There are tons of things that they made specifically for Ghostbusters that would be a little bit difficult to use in other movies. After all, some of the props are so out there that you would never see them working in a normal non-haunted project. Interestingly, Dr. Egon Spengler’s P.K.E meter doesn’t fall into that category.

Ghostbuster's P.K.E Meter @markselby / @fandomwire / Pinterest.com

Ghostbuster’s P.K.E Meter @markselby / @fandomwire / Pinterest.com

The hi-tech gadget the doctor uses to measure Psycho-Kinetic Energy actually went on to have an afterlife of its own in movies like They Live and Suburban Commando. In They Live, the device helped track down alien life, so it wasn’t too far removed from its original purpose.