Every Time Hollywood Re-Used Expensive Props

8. Blade Runner’s Spinner

Also Appears In: Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Estimated Savings: $1,000+*

Ridley Scott was tasked with creating all sorts of futuristic props and sets for Blade Runner. It was no easy task. In fact, at the end of shooting, Scott was so adamant about not seeing any of his specially-made props in another movie that he ordered them destroyed. He missed one thing, though.

Blade Runner's Spinner @seanvo93 / @theUnsayableOne / Pinterest.com

Blade Runner’s Spinner @seanvo93 / @theUnsayableOne / Pinterest.com

The Spinner, aka the flying police car from the movie was saved from oblivion by designer Gene Winfield. Winfield went on to use the Spinner (albeit as a non-flying vehicle) in Back to the Future II. Only eagle-eyed fans would have noticed this one.