Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

10. Deep Clean

Items Needed: Isopropyl alcohol
Est. Price:

In warmer weather, the last of your worries on your car is the windshield wiper. It doesn’t rain, so you don’t need to use them, and your car concerns are focused elsewhere. However, when the rainy season begins it is necessary that the windshield wipers work well since they will be the determining factor to achieve the visibility you need to be safe.

Limpieza absoluta @hellok288 /

Limpieza absoluta @hellok288 /

To keep the brushes clean and working optimally, they have to be rubbed with isopropyl alcohol. This will de-grease the surface and the blades will clean even the smallest of raindrops. Now you’ll be ready to see even in the biggest downpours.