Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

12. Figure Out What That Button Is For

Items Needed: Knowledge and a “Recirculation” button
Est. Price:

There is a button on the dashboard of our cars that really influences the air we breathe, and it happens to be a button unknown to most drivers. It’s called the car’s recirculation button, and it determines where we want the car to take air from. By default, it is the outside air, but for example, if we are stopped in a traffic jam and we want to avoid the hyper-polluted air outside, we can press the button and the car will become practically hermetically sealed by recirculating the clean air that we already had inside.



In addition to being beneficial for our health, using this button will also help us save fuel since the air conditioning and compressor will have to make less effort to continue cooling the car. This is an easy trick that can save a little money at a time, which certainly adds up.