Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

15. Unfreeze Your Locks

Items Needed: Hand sanitizer
Est. Price:

During winter, windshield wipers and mirrors aren’t the only parts of our car that can freeze. We can face a bigger problem if the handle lock freezes. But today, in times of abundant hand sanitizer, we can solve this problem quickly. We will only need an alcohol-heavy gel, an object that we all have in our purses, in our pockets, or in our backpacks.

Sobreviviendo al invierno ©Andrei Salavei /

Sobreviviendo al invierno ©Andrei Salavei /

We will need to put as much sanitizer in the lock as possible, it can be done by squirting the liquid directly or by placing it on the key. What will happen is that the alcohol will heat up the ice and quickly thaw everything.