Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

19. Say Goodbye to Imperfections

Items Needed: Nail polish, toothpaste
Est. Price:

Minor body scratches? The solution may be right at home. Before the long and tedious calls to insurance, our salvation may be in the pantry or even in the bathroom. The list of items that will work for our purposes are: shoe polish, toothpaste, candle wax, glue (or super glue), and nail polish.

Adiós a las imperfecciones @dottistarr /

Adiós a las imperfecciones @dottistarr /

For example, for scratches that will not disappear with simple sanding or polishing, nail polish will fill them right in. At any supermarket or pharmacy you can find a color that matches your car’s paint. Another home remedy: fetch toothpaste from the bathroom, clean the area to be polished and make circular strokes with a soft cloth. The abrasive elements in the paste will help remove small scratches.