Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

22. Clean Every Corner

Items Needed: Cleaning gel
Est. Price:

In cars, there are many small crevices that are difficult to access for cleaning. Small corners of the dash, the slits of the air conditioning, and buttons with a little relief are all spaces that are near impossible to reach.

Limpieza en cada rincón @melthelibrarian /

Limpieza en cada rincón @melthelibrarian /

On the other hand, using cleaning gel, a sticky substance similar to slime, we can reach all those corners, managing to remove all the dust that accumulates over time. Beyond the aesthetic component, this trick is very important for the health of everyone who gets in your car, since cleaning the air conditioning vents is necessary for the purity of the air. When you finish using the gel, you can simply wash it, and voila, you can use it again at any time.