Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

24. Keep Your Mirrors Ice-Free

Items Needed: Sandwich bags
Est. Price:

Getting up and going to work on a cold winter morning is certainly a challenge, so adding a battle against the ice on your mirrors can be enough to make you want to call in sick and crawl back into bed. Little did we know that there’s an easy and cheap trick to avoid ice accumulation in the first place.

Perfecto para el invierno @dollartree /

Perfecto para el invierno @dollartree /

Ideally, you can park in a garage or somewhere covered, but if you have to do it outdoors, there is no reason to be concerned. It’s easy enough to buy, or scrounge from your kitchen, a couple of plastic sandwich bags which you can place loosely over the two side-mirrors, which will prevent most of the ice from forming at all.