Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

26. Use Potatoes to Defrost Glass

Items Needed: Potatoes
Est. Price:
$1 per potato*

Here’s a simple trick using a product that we all have in the kitchen: potatoes. Defrosting your car’s windows is a problem that we’ve already been able to solve a few times; however, here is a solution that does not require a trip to Walmart to grab extra supplies.

Las papas multiuso @cindymaughond /

Las papas multiuso @cindymaughond /

If your car is already a few years old and the function to defog the glass does not work perfectly, all you have to do is cut a raw potato and pass the skinless side meticulously over the glass. The tuber’s starch will prevent the water from condensing on the glass, solving future defrosting-related issues.