Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

29. Make Magic with WD-40

Items Needed: WD-40
Est. Price:

Even something as small as an insect can be problematic for your car if you don’t catch it quickly. The bug sticks, you don’t see it when it happens, and when you finally find it, it is almost impossible to remove it without damaging the paint.

Haz magia con WD-40 @korah79 /

Haz magia con WD-40 @korah79 /

WD-40 is an oily substance that will help eliminate even the most stubborn insect, all without a ton of elbow grease. You have to use the aerosol can as indicated on the label and let it dry for about 10 minutes. When you remove the WD-40, the insects will come right off. But, be careful, as it is not recommended to use WD-40 on the windows or the windshield.