Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

34. Watch Out for the Doors

Items Needed: Pool noodle
Est. Price:

This trick is for the area where you park the car, ideally for those who have to do it in a garage or next to a wall in a small space, or something else that is equally a tight squeeze. What you have to do is buy or use two pool noodles and screw them to the walls of the garage, adjacent to where the car is parked.

Cuidado con las puertas @mkdrab /

Cuidado con las puertas @mkdrab /

This will prevent scratches or dents the next time you open the doors with great force, blocking the doors from chipping the paint or denting (an expensive fix). The pool noodles will protect your doors from careless guests (or you, if you’re not paying attention).