Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

47. Tint Your Windows Yourself

Items Needed: Maple syrup, charcoal toothpaste, cling film
Est. Price:

Darkening the car windows is usually a process that is carried out in specialized workshops, however, on TikTok, one social media denizen proposed another way to achieve the same results at home. All you need is maple syrup, charcoal toothpaste, and cling film.

Sirope de arce @TheSunOnline /

Sirope de arce @TheSunOnline /

First, paint the windows with maple syrup using a brush and then add charcoal toothpaste. Seal the process by covering the entire area with plastic wrap. Wait an hour and then clean the window. You’ll be able to see how it has darkened before your eyes. It is important to protect the body of the car with tape so that none of the products used will damage the paint.