Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

49. Remove Dry Mud

Items Needed: Oven cleaner foam
Est. Price: $8*

Mud can be a problem when cleaning our car, and, once it is dry, it can be a real headache in certain parts, ruining the paint or damaging the wheels. That is why it is recommended to clean mud when it is still wet, removing the substance with soap and water. However, if the mud has already dried, you can use oven cleaner foam.

El barro @Turtle Wax /

El barro @Turtle Wax /

Apply a good dose to the wheels and wait a while, just as though you were cleaning the oven. Follow the timing instructions on the back of the cleaner, and then remove the foam with a little warm water. You’ll find shiny wheels that gleam, free of mud.