Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

50. Clean Up Those Melted Crayons

Items Needed: Waxed baking paper, griddle
Est. Price: $5*

If you have children, you’ve probably given them crayons and a coloring pad to keep them occupied in your car. Keeping kids calm and entertained is a key to driving safety. The only problem is that, occasionally, this activity might lead to a stain on your car’s upholstery. Melton crayons are often the culprit behind some of the trickiest stains.

Crayones derretidos @onsitedetail / @wikihow /

Crayones derretidos @onsitedetail / @wikihow /

The remedy for melted crayons on the upholstery is to place a piece of waxed paper, like the kind you use to bake, and run a hot iron over it. This will lift the wax and allow you to loosen the stain in order to continue cleaning with an upholstery product.