Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

52. Wipe Your Wipers With Glass Cleaner

Items Needed: Windex Original Glass Cleaner
Est. Price: $3.29*

It’s inevitable: your windshield is going to get dirty. The dirt in question might be something more removable, such as snow or ice, but it also might be something a little harder to get off, such as grease or oil. If your wiper blades get dirty, you might have trouble getting them clean again without the use of a cleaning product.

Wipe Your Wipers With Glass Cleaner ©Fusionstudio /

Wipe Your Wipers With Glass Cleaner ©Fusionstudio /

Windex Original Glass Cleaner, which costs $3.29, will easily clean wiper blades, removing any grease or oil that has been built off. You can also use it on your windshield to remove any buildup if you find that regular wiper fluid isn’t doing the trick.