Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

53. Use A Cereal Container For Trash

Items Needed: Cereal container
Est. Price: $3.27*

No matter how much time you do or don’t spend in your car, trash will accumulate. It just differs on how much will build up. There’s always room for smart trash removal solutions for your car, and unused dry storage is a valid option.

Use A Cereal Container For Trash Juneisy ©Q. Hawkins /

Use A Cereal Container For Trash Juneisy ©Q. Hawkins /

Cereal containers are cheap and available everywhere. They make for good trash storage because they are large enough for most of your garbage to fit (minus a Big Gulp container or two). The lid will seal in the garbage and can secure the trash bag on the inside. Cereal containers are also small enough that they won’t take up a ton of space in your car.