Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

58. Keep Cat Litter In The Trunk For Winter

Items Needed: Cat litter
Est. Price: $15-$20*

As anyone with a cat knows, cat litter is heavy. Sure, you need it to keep your cat’s litter box clean, but you’ll get an arm workout just lugging it from your car to your house. For this hack, you’ll want to buy a spare container of cat litter and leave it in your trunk.

Keep Cat Litter In The Trunk For Winter ©Alaina Sharpshair /

Keep Cat Litter In The Trunk For Winter ©Alaina Sharpshair /

The heaviness of cat litter will help balance your car or truck out, especially if your vehicle is front-heavy. The additional weight will keep the rear of your vehicle more firmly planted on the ground, which could make your car safer in winter’s hazardous driving conditions.