Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

62. Remove Dog Hair With A Squeegee

Items Needed: Squeegee
Est. Price: $2-$5*

We love our furry friends, but, sometimes, they shed a lot. If you find that your car has a lot of dog hair in it, try this hack to help get rid of the hair. A squeegee, which you can find for under $5 at stores or online, is a cheap, easy way to remove dog hair.

Remove Dog Hair With A Squeegee ©PorporLing /

Remove Dog Hair With A Squeegee ©PorporLing /

Run the dry squeegee over the hair-filled area. The rubber blade will trap pet hair as you move the squeegee along your car’s floors and seats. You’ll be able to get the hair into one neat, easy-to-remove pile. Continue this process until you have removed all of the hair.