Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

72. Boost Your Car Key Signal By Putting It Against Your Chin

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Silicon Valley radio engineer Tim Pozar came up with this low-tech hack, which can fix a high-tech problem. If you’ve ever had issues with your car key getting a signal, try this tip before phoning AAA.

Boost Your Car Key Signal By Putting It Against Your Chin ©ORION PRODUCTION /

Boost Your Car Key Signal By Putting It Against Your Chin ©ORION PRODUCTION /

Hold the metal part of the key fob against your chin. Then, press the unlock button. You might be surprised to find that your car unlocks with no problem. According to Pozar, this works because your head, which has a lot of fluids in it, is a good conductor. When you couple the fob to your head, you amplify your key’s signal.