Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

74. Add Foam To Your Garage Walls

Items Needed: Foam insulation
Est. Price: $0.25-$3 per board foot* (Material Cost)

The temperature of your garage often follows the temperature pattern outside. The garage’s temperature fluctuations can put quite a dent in your wallet, as far as energy bills go. The temperature of the garage might even be able to affect the temperature inside your home, depending on your property’s layout.

Add Foam To Your Garage Walls ©Gorlov-KV /

Add Foam To Your Garage Walls ©Gorlov-KV /

Foam insulation is a cheap way to help keep the temperature of your garage relatively steady. Foam insulation is easy to handle, lightweight, and durable enough to withstand even extreme temperature changes. You can purchase this insulation for $0.25-$3 per board foot. The installation price to have it professionally installed usually runs $1.50-$4.90 per board foot.