Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

78. Remove Unnecessary Clutter (Extra Weight = Poor Gas Mileage)

Items Needed: None
Est. Price: $0*

There are a lot of reasons to remove extra clutter from your car. First and foremost, you want your car to be clean. Having a lot of baggage in the backseat or trunk just looks like a mess, and you’ll feel better by getting that excess weight out of there.

Remove Unncessecary Cluttter (Extra Weight = Poor Gas Mileage) ©Sayamon P /

Remove Unncessecary Cluttter (Extra Weight = Poor Gas Mileage) ©Sayamon P /

Additionally, an extra one-hundred pounds in your car will affect your gas mileage. The weight can reduce your miles per gallon by one percent. How much your MPG is reduced is relative to how much your vehicle weighs. Smaller vehicles are far more affected by this phenomenon than larger ones.