Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

83. In The Winter, Keep Salt In Your Trunk

Items Needed: Rock salt
Est. Price: $20-$30 per bag*

De-icer granules come in a lot of forms. Rock salt, kitty litter, and sand are three of the most commonly used materials for melting and de-icing. At the very least, these granules will soften up the ice. Keeping a bag of salt in the trunk is a must-have for winter. Bags cost between $20 and $30, and you can find them on Amazon or at local hardware stores.

In The Winter, Keep Salt In Your Trunk @weathertech /

In The Winter, Keep Salt In Your Trunk @weathertech /

Other must-have winter items include a sturdy ice scraper, snow brush, shovel, extra winter clothes, blanket, emergency reflectors or flares, a first aid kit, and extra windshield wiper fluid. This kit won’t weigh enough to affect your gas mileage, and it will be a life-saver if you get stranded.