Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

88. Another Way To Melt The Ice

Items Needed: Ziploc gallon-size baggies, hot water
Est. Price: $5.79 per pack of baggies*

One thing you do not want to do if you have a frozen windshield is pour hot water directly on it. A surprisingly large number of people have attempted this, and occasionally they have videotaped the disastrous results. The drastic temperature increase causes the windshield to shatter, leading to a costly repair or replacement.

Another Way To Melt The Ice @yarelin.m_ /

Another Way To Melt The Ice @yarelin.m_ /

Instead, if your windshield is frozen over and you can’t wait for it to defrost, get a Ziploc gallon-size baggie. Fill it with hot water and wipe the baggie across your windshield gently. The ice will melt under the baggie without causing the windshield to rupture.