Fix Your Car Issues with These Affordable Fixes

93. If You Know It’s Going To Snow, Park At The End Of Your Driveway (so you don’t have to shovel as much to get out)

Items Needed: Nothing
Est. Price: $0*

This hack is such a no-brainer, we’re surprised we didn’t think of it first. If you look at the weather forecast on the TV or on your phone and you see that it’s going to snow, park at the end of your driveway. Line your cars up by who will leave first in the morning.

If You Know It's Going To Snow, Park At The End Of Your Driveway @megan_mazurek /

If You Know It’s Going To Snow, Park At The End Of Your Driveway @megan_mazurek /

That way, you don’t have much to shovel to get out of the driveway. When you do shovel, spray your shovel down with cooking spray to help get through the white powder quickly. Shovel a line down the middle of the driveway, and then shovel to the side from that line. It’s faster to bisect the driveway than to shovel the whole way one-sided.