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98. A Staple Remover Helps Add Keys To A Stubborn Keyring

Items Needed: Staple remover
Est. Price: $2-$4*

Prying open a keyring can feel like opening the Jaws of Life by hand. Keyrings are stubborn, and they’re meant to be that way, as the rings can’t be loose or your keys will fall right off. If you’re having trouble getting your car keys’ ring open, try using a staple remover.

A Staple Remover Helps Add Keys To A Stubborn Keyring @mentertained100 /

A Staple Remover Helps Add Keys To A Stubborn Keyring @mentertained100 /

These handy gadgets cost $2 to $4, and you can find them pretty much anywhere office supplies are sold. Unhooking a staple is similar to unhooking a key ring. Just place the remover’s tooth between the key ring’s two wire spirals, and ease it open enough to remove or add keys.