Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

11. Hyper-Speed Trains

What It Does: Significantly Reduces The Duration Of Travel
Expected Rollout: 2030

Getting people from one place to another as quickly, and as safely, as possible is what those who are developing hyper-speed trains have in mind. Using Super Maglev (magnetic levitation) technology, in which the train is magnetically lifted off of a track while inside a tube, the train is then propelled forward at tremendous speeds.

Hyper-Speed Trains ©andrey_l / Shutterstock.com

Hyper-Speed Trains ©andrey_l / Shutterstock.com

With the ability to, possibly, reach speeds of up to 1,800 mph a hyper-speed train will have the capability of taking passengers from New York to Los Angeles in only 45 minutes. At an estimated cost of between $54 and $154 million per mile of track, hyper-speed trains are not cheap, however, if they are able to substantially cut down on travel time, the cost might be worth it.