Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

14. Smart Fridges

What It Does: Makes Grocery Shopping Easier
Expected Rollout: Low-Tech Version Currently On The Market

Thanks to Smart fridges, grocery shopping is easier today than it’s ever been. Anyone who thought that online shopping had already simplified their lives as much as it could, has never seen the Samsung Family Hub series of Smart Fridges. It has a built-in touchscreen on the door that has a grocery menu app and full connectivity to all other Smart devices in the home.

Smart Fridges (order food) @macropru / Pinterest.com

Smart Fridges (order food) @macropru / Pinterest.com

The Samsung Family Hub 6.0 runs on an Android operating system and can be operated through the SmartThings app on one’s tablet or smartphone. Like most of Android’s recent Smart technology, the Hub 6.0 is compatible with Alexa but also comes with Bixby built-in and is ready to input a grocery order.