Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

17. Smart Toothbrushes

What It Does: Tracks Dental Hygiene
Expected Rollout: Currently In Stores

If going to the dentist was a dreaded experience before, thanks to Oral-B and the smart toothbrush that it’s developed, lying to the dentist about one’s brushing frequency will be a thing of the past. Through the use of Bluetooth, Oral-B’s smart series electric toothbrushes are able to track each and every brushstroke that a user takes via an app, and, if programmed to, send the brushing info to the user’s dentist.

Smart Toothbrushes (send data to dentists) @pingizlogic / Pinterest.com

Smart Toothbrushes (send data to dentists) @pingizlogic / Pinterest.com

Smart toothbrushes not only track brushing data for the dentist but also give their users real-time advice on how to be more effective and more efficient at brushing. Found in stores and online, the latest in Oral-B’s smart series brushes are sold for (a pretty reasonable) $130.