Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

1. Drones That Put Out Fires

What It Does: Assesses And Extinguishes Fires Using Sound
Expected Rollout: Unknown

With wildfires and bushfires occurring more frequently, and with more tragic results as the years have gone on, researchers have been searching for ways to make the fire extinguishing process more efficient while not spending an arm and a leg.

Drones That Put Out Fires @welkinuav2014 / Pinterest.com

Drones That Put Out Fires @welkinuav2014 / Pinterest.com

At $6,000 apiece, it has been proposed that using a swarm of drones that can actually extinguish fires using specific sound frequencies that temporarily cut off the inferno’s oxygen supply might be the way forward. The drones would follow a grid-like pattern while working as one cohesive unit in order to extinguish fires.