Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

19. Heart-Monitoring Clothes

What It Does: Monitors Heart Rate
Expected Rollout: Already On The Market

Led by smartwatches, Fitbits, and now smart clothing, in the next 3-5 years, it’s estimated that the wearable tech industry will be worth $70 billion. Heart-monitoring smart clothes have been created for a wide range of customers. High-performance athletes will, most certainly, use the apparel for training, but it’s those with cardiovascular problems that will benefit the most.

Heart-Monitoring Clothes @techlicious / Pinterest.com

Heart-Monitoring Clothes @techlicious / Pinterest.com

Due to heart-monitoring clothing’s snug fit design, it’s able to detect irregular heartbeats using tens of thousands of nanotubes that are sewn right into the shirts and continuously take electrocardiograms, the results of which are fed to the Cloud or an app. On average, a smart shirt costs around $300 – not too bad for something that has the potential to save lives.