Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

22. Li-Fi

What It Does: Uses Light To Communicate Wirelessly
Expected Rollout: Currently In Use

Based on the technology that is used for optical wireless networks, Li-Fi was introduced, in 2011, by a German professor of Mobile Communications named Harald Haas. It was designed to send data through light spectrums, thus transmitting using light instead of radio frequencies.

Li-Fi @metrouk / Pinterest.com

Li-Fi @metrouk / Pinterest.com

Initially, it was estimated that, by 2018, the market for Li-Fi would be worth north of $6 billion, however, as is evident by the general public’s lack of in-depth knowledge of Li-Fi, those projections didn’t quite come to fruition. With the ability to transmit at up to 100 gigabytes per second expect this tech to have its breakthrough sooner rather than later.