Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

23. Smart Toilets

What It Does: Tracks & Analyzes Stool Samples
Expected Rollout: By 2025

Over the past 5-10 years, smart technology has taken the world by storm. Almost everything in regular daily life is now tracked, or controlled, through an app of some kind and, now, with the vision of toilets doing more than simply flushing, Sonia Grego, the co-founder of Coprata, is developing a toilet that will be able to analyze waste through artificial intelligence and a series of sensors.

Smart Toilets (analyze health) @uol / Pinterest.com

Smart Toilets (analyze health) @uol / Pinterest.com

As a potential “ultimate health monitoring tool” smart toilets will be able to monitor issues, such as inflammatory bowel disease and other chronic issues, as well as provide helpful information on cancer-related issues through stool-based biomarkers. Grego is hoping that, by the summer of 2022, the first working model will be ready for testing.