Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

24. Personal, Wearable Air Purifiers

What It Does: Purifies Air
Expected Rollout: Currently On Sale

Having clean air to breathe has always been important, but, as a result of the events of the past few years, tech companies have been working overdrive, in coordination with medical experts, in order to create advanced air purifiers. Earlier in 2021, Respiray unveiled what it had been working on.

Personal, Wearable Air Purifiers @heathhayakawa / Pinterest.com

Personal, Wearable Air Purifiers @heathhayakawa / Pinterest.com

Using UV technology Respiray’s wearable air purifier has been tested and proven to eliminate over 99% of viruses and bacteria, including COVID-19. The device sits comfortably around the user’s neck (similar to a horse collar) and has a protective shield that runs vertically up to the level of one’s nose. Respiray’s air purifier retails for, approximately, $320, which is a relatively small price to pay for the ability to breathe clean air all day.