Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

3. Lab-Grown Meat

What It Does: Eliminates The Need For Farm Grown Animals
Expected Rollout: 2021

When a child first learns that the meat in the hamburger that they’re eating has come from the same animal that they see grazing on the side of the road on road trips, or that their chicken fingers come from the same animal that has had many reasons for crossing the road over the years, it’s a pretty tough pill to swallow.

Lab-Grown Meat ©anyaivanova / Shutterstock.com

Lab-Grown Meat ©anyaivanova / Shutterstock.com

Lab-grown meat is exactly what it sounds like. Grown cell by cell, no cows are harmed in the creation of lab-grown steak. In the summer of 2021, the Israeli company, Future Meat Technologies, opened the world’s first 100% lab-grown meat factory. It’s estimated that each serving will cost up to $50, which, considering that no animals were harmed in the making of the meat, is a very reasonable price to pay.