Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

4. Space Tourism

What It Does: Allows Regular People To Experience Space
Expected Rollout: Already In Progress

It was almost 60 years ago that Captain James Tiberius Kirk first gave space the label, “The Final Frontier”, and now, 6 decades later, led by billionaires Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, it’s not just astronauts who are able to enjoy the spoils of space travel – all it takes is a small fortune and the thrill of the unknown.

Space Tourism @EconomicTimes / Shutterstock.com

Space Tourism @EconomicTimes / Shutterstock.com

Considering the hefty prices that space travel can set someone back, $450,000 for a seat on Branson’s Virgin Galactic, or $28 million for the chance to see Earth from a window on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin, it’s obvious why the space tourism industry is expected to be worth $3 billion by 2030. Both ships have already completed successful journeys with Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner, riding along on Blue Orbit’s most recent one.