Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

5. Bricks That Store Energy

What It Does: Sustainable Energy
Expected Rollout: Unknown

Researchers from St Louis’ Washington University have discovered a way to convert red bricks into a supercapacitor. No, that’s not the device that Doc Brown uses in his DeLorean in order to travel through time (that’s the flux capacitor), however, according to scientists, it does have the ability to store “a substantial amount of energy”.

Bricks That Store Energy @Cnn / Pinterest.com

Bricks That Store Energy @Cnn / Pinterest.com

The iron oxide in the red bricks reacts to the PEDOT (conducting coating) as it oozes into the bricks’ pours, which turns them into “energy-storing electrodes”. Able to be “recharged hundreds of thousands of times with an hour”, and costing only $2-$3 per brick, energy-storing bricks might be the future of sustainable energy.