Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

6. Floating Farms

What It Does: Expands Agricultural Development
Expected Rollout: Already In Use

With an additional 2+ billion people expected on the planet by the year 2050, the UN has estimated that there will be a need for 70% more food than is currently being produced, and for that, a significantly larger amount of farmland will be needed. As mainland farmland is becoming scarcer than ever, alternative locations to plow, sow, and milk, have been considered.

Floating Farms @hittadelbart / Pinterest.com

Floating Farms @hittadelbart / Pinterest.com

The world’s first floating dairy farm is located in the Rotterdam harbor in the Netherlands (not Neverland) and is home to 34 Meuse-Rhine-Issel cows. As cost-effective as floating farms might be, the real benefit of these drifting pastures will be evident years from now, when the agricultural land, that has been saved due to their use, is able to flourish.