Future Tech Products That Are About to Change Our World

8. Mars Colonies

What It Does: Provides A New Home For Humanity
Expected Rollout: 2050

It might seem as though it has been an eternity since Neil Armstrong spoke his, now, infamous words while walking on the moon, but as far as the history of humankind is concerned, space travel and exploration are still quite new. Of the infinite things that are “out there” to explore, people have only begun to scratch the surface.

Mars Colonies @idadmin / Pinterest.com

Mars Colonies @idadmin / Pinterest.com

After the moon the next closest mass in space is Mars, and, in recent years, a plan has been put in motion that will, hopefully, see humankind colonize the “Red Planet” by 2050. Unmanned missions to Mars began in 2018, in order to begin data retrieval for the future manned missions, which are set to begin in 2026.