Groundbreaking New Medical Treatments Coming in 2022

14. Ecstasy For Severe PTSD

What It Can Do: Help Come To Terms With Issues
Discovered By: University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine
Est. Cost: ~$850/Month*

There are countless reasons why one may suffer from PTSD, and, until now, there has been very little hope for treatment. With one more clinical trial to go before seeking FDA approval, the study that Jennifer Mitchell, Ph.D., and her team at the University of California have been doing, involving the effects of Ecstasy (MDMA) on PTSD diagnosed individuals, have shown much promise

Ecstasy For Severe PTSD @mujijoa79 /

Ecstasy For Severe PTSD @mujijoa79 /

Of those involved in the study, after 8 weeks, 67% no longer suffered from the symptoms of PTSD. To be clear, the study did not just involve giving people an illicit drug and hoping for the best, on the contrary, they were given the MDMA in coordination with a series of talk therapy sessions, which were intended to give them a safe space to talk about what they’d been through.