Groundbreaking New Medical Treatments Coming in 2022

15. 5G-Enabled Devices

What It Can Do: Expand Access To Care
Discovered By: N/A
Est. Cost: N/A

Every technology has its own limits for what it is capable of doing. Sometimes, in order for one tech to reach its ceiling it needs the help of another. A reliable 5G internet connection is the bridging tech that’s needed in order to help the medical world move forward.

5g-Enabled Devices ©FrankHH /

5g-Enabled Devices ©FrankHH /

A 5G connection will allow doctors to transmit data, almost, instantaneously after it’s been recorded – better helping to monitor patients, as well as devising plans of action to help them. Telemedicine and robotics will also be greatly improved by the added strength of 5G’s speed and internet connection.