Groundbreaking New Medical Treatments Coming in 2022

19. The Rise Of Nanomedicine

What It Can Do: Delivers Medical Treatment On A Supramolecular Scale
Discovered By: Metchnikov and Ehrlich (1908 Nobel Prize for Medicine)
Est. Cost: Unknown*

Using nanotechnology to develop medical treatments once seemed as far-fetched as using a fully functional tricorder, like the ones that could be found on the set of Star Trek. Recently, however, one of the leading companies in cancer nanomedicine, CytImmune Sciences, has finished the first phase of a trial that was focused on transporting drugs to fight tumors, and turned this science fiction dream into a reality.

The Rise Of Nanomedicine ©joel bubble ben /

The Rise Of Nanomedicine ©joel bubble ben /

Other companies, like BlueWillow Biologics, have focused their nano research on eradicating viruses and fighting bacteria, while NSHS:NanoSphere Health Sciences’ patented NanoSphere delivery system has been designed to deliver CBD directly into a patient’s bloodstream “by nano sizing the particles”. If nanomedicine keeps progressing at this rate, this tiny tech is going to have massive results.