Groundbreaking New Medical Treatments Coming in 2022

25. Say Goodbye To Surprise Bills

What It Can Do: Lower Medical Bills
Discovered By: U.S. Congress
Est. Cost: N/A*

For the millions of Americans who are without proper healthcare, due to the outrageous costs and hidden fees of treatment, seeking medical attention is a horror they would not wish upon their worst enemy. With more than three-quarters of Americans agreeing that something needed to be done about this, congress, finally, passed the No Surprises Act that will come into effect in 2022.

Say Goodbye To Surprise Bills ©JohnKwan /

Say Goodbye To Surprise Bills ©JohnKwan /

By law, beginning at the start of the new year, medical providers will no longer be allowed to charge patients prior to finding out the status of their insurance. When this has been done, the patient’s healthcare plan should then be charged the full amount and the patient will be left to pay, only, the in-network cost-sharing sum.