Groundbreaking New Medical Treatments Coming in 2022

6. Blood Tests For Alzheimer’s

What It Can Do: Detect Alzheimer’s Earlier
Discovered By: C2N Diagnostics
Est. Cost: $1,250*

In 2017, Dr. Randall Bateman, co-founder of C2N Diagnostics and neurologist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL), presented the scientific world with a discovery that, he believed, would be able to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease in patients without the hassles of a PET scan or the discomfort of a spinal tap.

Blood Tests For Alzheimer's ©Barabasa /

Blood Tests For Alzheimer’s ©Barabasa /

As it turns out, Bateman and his team were on to something. C2N Diagnostics’ PrecivityAD is a simple blood test that detects amyloid plaques, the blood marker that’s prevalent in those with the disease, just as well as the previous methods at a fraction of the cost, and has been available to the public (for a small fee) since October of 2020.