Hey, Hollywood? You’re out of Ideas


Hollywood celebrates itself as this beacon of creativity and progress. This may have been the case back in decades past. Still, for the last 20, count ’em, 20 years, they kinda, sorta started to make the same thing repeatedly, hoping the casual moviegoer would not notice. And for the most part, it appears that moviegoers indeed did not.

Sometimes they remake a movie that really stood on its own and did not need to be remade. Other times, they remake a move and barely even make an attempt to change the title. The typical Hollywood filmmaker is not even trying anymore. The sad part is that viewers are only now beginning to realize it. Even though noticing this trend is new, the public is about 20 years behind in calling out Hollywood on its inability to create new characters, stories, and franchises.

Why Does Hollywood Keep Remaking the Same Junk?

There are two reasons why Hollywood has not given viewers anything good in a minute: creativity and money. Though laziness and an inability to create may undoubtedly play a role, the truth is that once a studio buys the rights to a character, it is pretty cheap for them to spit out tons of movies featuring the said character. This explains why there is a new comic book movie each year and why all funny book moves follow the same formula. They also must just not have the creative minds who can churn out the next epic franchise to rival a Star Wars or a Harry Potter.

It is really rather odd. Hollywood is putting out the movie equivalent to junk food. Sure, a Twinkie is tasty, but no one should eat that many of them. Besides, when it comes to dessert, plenty of folks can come up with something better, but no one wants to shell out dollar number one for a top-notch chef. And that is how the world got film after film of the same regurgitated trash. Need convincing? Then read on.