Hey, Hollywood? You’re out of Ideas

And It’s Not Just Movies!

Television has evolved and gotten better. No longer are there only a few networks churning out the same formulaic junk. Now, plenty of subscription streaming services have consistently been making fun, engaging shows. Most of these shows come to a satisfying conclusion. However, they must have been such moneymakers that they eventually get revitalized somehow, shape, or form. For example:


Sex and the City: Making its debut in 1998, this show was loaded with laughs. After six seasons, it went on to a natural conclusion that told viewers how everyone ended up. Sadly, HBO was not ready to stop milking this cash cow, and viewers got two movies. Most viewers assumed that was a wrap. Not so fast. In 2021, HBO dusted this one off again to create a new series just in case those who missed the fun-loving 30-somethings in this show wanted to see how those women handled menopause. And though Hollywood is being bashed here, that term is going to stretch to encompass NYC and pretty much anyone who makes television shows and films.